
An HR solution replacing Excel and messenger for streamlined processes

Our objectives

  • To provide a tool for easier chatting.
  • To offer a solution for renewing contracts.
  • To facilitate the process of requesting temporary staff orders.

Project info

  • UI/UX designer
  • Develop email template
  • Team size: 1 designer, 1 project manager, 5 developers


  • My team and I successfully delivered version 1 to the client.
  • The development team solely maintained and further developed version 2. The designer was not involved beyond version 1.


Help users to imagine the design

I constructed this prototype using Adobe XD to facilitate stakeholder understanding of how Submit operates. It also enables clients to provide feedback more easily.

Please switch to larger screen for viewing prototype

Click on the desktop screen to interact with the prototype

View full prototype


Main user

There are 2 main kinds of users: Client and Agency

  1. Client: HR and Manager in a company who needs temp staff
    • Manager:  Oversees the temporary staff and interacts with internal HR
    • HR: Liaises with the agency for next steps.
  2. Agency: Seeks suitable candidates for the client
Main User
Main User

Main problem

  • Complexity arises from using Email, Excel, and telephone for communication between Clients and Agency.
  • Difficulty in searching for the status of temporary staff.
  • Tasks consume a significant amount of time to complete.

Conflict happened​


Before finalizing the user flow, I collaborated with a communicator in Japan to gather insights and outline the product.


He provided only wireframes and instructed me to continue development, causing confusion among me and other team members.


Consequently, I had to create a user flow that interconnected all features, ensuring no random screens led to dead ends.

User flow is a vision

I drew user flow because:

  • It assists product owners and stakeholders in understanding all the steps that users would take in Q-Sign.
  • It aids designers in connecting all features, ensuring that all functions are linked and follow through from start to end.

Super admin

  • Admin:  Administers and grants privileges to all types of accounts.
  • Manager: request temporary staff from HR
  • Human Resource: receives requests from managers, then contacts the agency to fulfill them.
  • Staff agency: Sources candidates for job placements

HR has three main tasks:

  • Create a chat room with internal and external members
  • Create request candidate to Agency
  • Create renewal contracts for existing candidates

Upon receiving the request from HR:

  • Staff agencies join the HR-created chat room upon receiving the contract renewal request.
  • Facilitate the event creation and add the candidate to the room. Acting as intermediaries, the agency connects the candidate with HR, enabling the contract extension to be signed directly between them.


The manager, being part of the same company as HR, is tasked with requesting candidates for staffing needs.


Based on the user flow I created earlier, the JP communicator and I found ourselves aligned. We collaborated effectively and seamlessly generated the wireframes together.

Style guide

Better communication

A style guide aids in designer-to-developer handoff by facilitating smooth communication between the two parties.

Key Takeaway

  • Direct communication between the product team and the client had been established, as working with stakeholders on the Japan side proved to be unresponsive and lacking transparency.
  • Feedback had been gathered after the release of version 1. Without testing and iteration, there was no opportunity for UX improvement.
Next project

Tan Hoang Design

This is a branding project for my freelance website. I am reshaping the brand, defining colors, typography, imagery, and adding more pages.